
Nikki Fuller was born on January 23 . 1968 in Dayton, Ohio United States of America.She is one of the Top Female Bodybuilder who earned a Bicep of 18 Inches in the world.Her records in lifting by reaching and lifting 125 KG , she also lifted 544 KG in leg press sets.She was interested in Bodybuilding when she was in High School.As we talked before that she was very fond of Bodybuilding from her High School so she started working out in a local gym.In a few month she felt that her genetics works really perfect and fast, so she decided to make a career by competing in a Contest 1988 Novice Oregon and got first position.After that her passion increased and she start lifting and competing.She become a very good Professional Female Bodybuilding after winning a few competitions.
 IFBB Female Bodybuilder Nikki Fuller posing animated photo
 IFBB Female Bodybuilder Nikki Fuller beautiful women bodybuilding and beauty of muscles
 IFBB Female Bodybuilder Nikki Fuller flexing her biceps
 IFBB Female Bodybuilder Nikki Fuller Muscles Morph Photo - Women's Bodybuilding
 IFBB Female Bodybuilder Nikki Fuller a few years back photo-shoot
 IFBB Female Bodybuilder Nikki Fuller posing at the Beach Photo-shoot 
 IFBB Female Bodybuilder Nikki Fuller Latest Photos in the Gym
 IFBB Female Bodybuilder Nikki Fuller Beautiful and Hot Body at the beach
IFBB Female Bodybuilder Nikki Fuller Hot photo-shoot for Bodybuilding Magazine
Contest History:
1988 Novice Oregon – first 
1988 Emerald Cup – third 
1989 Emerald Cup – first 
1989 Bill Pearl Classic – first 
1989 Pacific Coast – first 
1989 Emerald Cup – first 
1989 Orange County Classic – second 
1990 NPC USA Championship – second (H-W) 
1990 IFBB North American – second (H-W) 
1990 IFBB World Amateurs – third (H-W) 
1990 NPC Nationals – first (H-W and Overall) 
1991 Jan Tana Classic – eighth 
1991 Ms. Global – seventh 
1992 Jan Tana Classic – first 
1992 Ms. Olympia – ninth 
1993 Ms. Olympia – fourteenth 
1995 Ms. Global – sixth 
1996 Jan Tana Classic 


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